37 year old male came to the casualty with the chief complaints of shortness of breath since 6 days and generalised swelling of the body since 15 days.


N. Lavanya

Roll : 93

5 th semester student. 

This is online E log book to discuss our patient’s de-

identified health data shared after taking

 his/her/guardian’s signed informed consent. 

Here we discuss our individual patient’s problems

 through series of inputs from available global online

 community of experts with an aim to solve those

 patients clinical problems with collective current best

 evidence based inputs.

37 year old male came to the casualty with the chief complaints of shortness of breath since 6 days and generalised swelling of the body since 15 days.

History of present illness

The patient was apparently asymptomatic 12 years back then he developed generalized swelling all over the body which was insidious in onset and gradually progressed up to 3 months and then he came to our hospital and he was referred to the higher Centre afterwards.

In the higher Centre ,he was treated for about a 4 to 5 days and then he became normal and got discharged .

Before For 3 months he didn't take any alcohol or any smoking but after 3 months he again started drinking alcohol and smoking daily.
Afterwards he had on and off episodes of  edema,so he was took a tablet of lasilactone and the edema subsided after taking the tablet. 2 months back he developed generalized edema which did not subside on medication, so he  came to our hospital and was given  lasix. 5 to 6 days back,he again started developing edema which didn't subside even after taking a higher dose of the tablet and he developed a shortness of breath from the past 4 days. He is not taking enough meals because he is having that SOB and distension of abdomen while sitting and eating. He had  a good appetite but he was  unable to eat. On September 14th around morning from 1:00 a.m. he had shortness of breath and around 3:00 a.m. he was not able to take breath and came to our hospital  H/o dark colored stool since 4 day
H/o decreased urine output since 3 days
H/o dry cough ( sometimes only )
No h/o of fever and vomitings
He is a chronic alcoholic since 12 years
He takes alcohol almost daily about 90 ml
Last consumption of alcohol was 20 days back.
A chronic smoker takes 1 - 2 packs per day since 12 yrs

past History
No H/o of diabetes, hypertension, asthma, epilepsy, tuberculosis.

Personal history
Diet -mixed
Sleep - disturbed(unable to sleep in the night and slept in the mornings)
Bowel- dark coloured stools since 4 days
Bladder- decreased frequency and quantity
Chronic alcoholic since 16 years and nearly for 8 years he consumed daily around 90 ml

General examination
Pallor: absent
Icterus: yellowish discoloration of sclera-present
Edema- generalised edema is 





RR -18 cpm



Systemic  examination 

Cvs : s1, s2, and s3 heard . Apex beat felt in 6th intercostal space, 10cm from sternum

Cns : No focal neurological defecits.



Liver-normal size,grade-1 fatty liver

Gall bladder -contracted

Pancreas-normal size

Moderate pleural effusion

Right kidney:8.9×3.9cm

Left kidney:10.6×4.7cm


Aorta and IVC-3.1cm and hepatic vein prominent

Bladder wall thickening:prostrate: normal

Minimal ascites. 


Moderate bilateral pleural effusion (right>left)

Prominent ivc and hepatic vein

Minimal ascites

On 14/9/22


-Dilated right atrium or right ventricle,moderate PAHT

-D shape lv

-no diastole dysfunction

Ivc dilated (2.35cm)

-no lv clot

Provisional diagnosis: 

?Starvation ketoacidosis 

? Wet beri beri. 


1.InJ thiamine 100 mg/IM/TID

2.Tab lasix 80mg /Po/TID

3.Tab Met-Xl 25mg/PO/OD


5.INJ Buscopan/IM/stat


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