
Showing posts from December, 2021


MEDICAL LOG BOOK BY N. LAVANYA ROLL  NUMMBER - 93                           3 RD SEMESTER  STUDENT  A 57 year old female from siri konda came to opd with  cheif  complaints of  Shortness of breath since 7 days  Cough with yellowish colour sputum since 7 days  Fever with no assossiated chills and rigour since a week  And   decreased urine out put since 3 days  History of presenting illness  Patient developed   generalized oedema   3 days back  which are slow in onset and initially started at the legs  and  developed all over the body . Patient was asymptomatic previously :  3 years back she developed  low back pain radiating  to  right groin diagnosed with  Renal caliculi     got  treated  Past History  No   History of Diabetes , Hypertension  Asthama ,epilepsy ,  Tuberculosis and COPD  Personal history  Diet : Mixed  Appetite : decreased  Sleep: adequate  Bowel movemnts  : Normal Micturation : Decreased urine out put                           No assosiated  pain    No Addictions  Fever